Domestic violence: is any violent act committed by a person on the position of a role marital, sexual, parental care, other people with mutual roles.
Forms under which domestic violence can occur are: physical abuse of spouses, parents of physical abuse on children, emotional abuse between spouses, parents' emotional abuse on children, parents on sexual abuse of children, problems related to alcohol and drugs that influence.
Physical abuse of spouseIn addition to the specific offenses under the Criminal Code, that bigamy, adultery, abandonment of family, unfortunately, and violence has taken place in the family generating crimes of homicide, causing death strikes, serious bodily injury, rape followed by death of the victim infanticide, incest and child maltreatment.Cases of domestic violence and objective conditions mainly relate to the characteristics of each individual biopsihologice temperament, character, personality, emotional and volitional states. Among these may be mentioned: the low level of culture and education of offenders, negative behavioral traits, tendencies toward violence, alcohol abuse (common or accidentally), the challenges come from the victims, exacerbating the instinct of ownership.
The costs of violence in the family environment appear to be similar to those of murder and violent attack. Most incidents occur during fights or other interaction temper, insulting remarks or gestures are initiated by one party, causing the other revenge.
Domestic violence has two dimensions: male violence against women - and much publicized fact rooted in patriarchal oriented people in conservative countries, and male violence against women, little known fact, but confirmed by studies conducted in the last three decades by specialists USA.
Violence against womenDomestic violence involving a manifestation of power in the compensatory individuals who feel small and powerless in other circles, reaching to overfill the tank protected in the context of relationships in which power is legitimated by assigning them to positions and roles in the relationship ( patriarchal ideology). Research shows that power decreases as the victim in the relationship, increase the likelihood of abuse of power generating and enhancing the gap in relation to violence.
Targeting violence in the context of marital conflict may take two directions: each of the participants to be potentially abusive marriage, that victim. It appears that men hunt and kill their wives when they often leave them, women are doing so only in exceptional cases. Men kill their usually wives after they have undergone a long period of abuse involving physical violence or aggression: mutual, in such cases is rarely valid.
Violence against menThe unfortunate reality is that men are victims of domestic violence as often as women. Men's violence against women is a phenomenon well documented, in fact ignored by both media and society. Following several studies have reported that in most cases of violence against men by women had used the weapon. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that women realize the physical strength of men and therefore used mainly as a defense weapon.
Numerous studies have produced statistics that claim that women's anger often manifests itself in violent acts and especially against family members, for example:- 55% of all crime on the boys (girls) involving a woman murderer- 44% of all crime on the spouses involves killing a woman;- 33% of the families involved killing a woman murderer- 18% of the parents of killers involving a woman criminal.
Media continue to assign the control and domination of men only. If we are honest with ourselves, we all know that women are as dominant and willing to control their own way as men. Domestic violence should not be tolerated. We need to recognize and prevent it. Unfortunately, there is a long way to learn the lesson of mutual responsibility in the long-term relationships, regardless of their dynamics. And it is necessary to prevent domestic violence.
Women and men are equally responsible for domestic violence. Domestic violence is not the fault of men or women. It has both it - a problem. Both men and women, are engaged in this game of mutual destruction, the inability to create intimacy and appreciate differences.
Physical abuse of children by parentsEach type of civilization select a particular type of normative behavior accepted as "good treatment of the child" beyond the beginning, however, maltreatment, that the abusive behavior. The concept of abuse is generally a deliberate action that hurt the child, affecting her physical and mental health. Ill be considered as a phenomenon that occurs when parents or educators are harmful treatments applied to children, and could cause damage to organic or psychiatric disorders. Variations abuse fall on a wide range of intensities, from ill loose, simple neglect (indifference towards the basic needs of the child and to care), or different forms of emotional abuse (insults, irony, humiliation, unrealistic demands or constraints, verbal violence), to forms of physical abuse (beating, torture, exploitation by taking the work inconsistent with age), and sexual abuse. Parents who maltreat their children are often vulnerable, with a range of psychological and educational problems that are unable to solve them.
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